Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM) dan Kemandirian Belajar Terhadap Kemampuan Representasi Matematik Siswa SMA
Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM), Kemandirian Belajar, Kemampuan Representasi MatematikAbstract
This research is aiming to: 1) analyze the effect of PBM model, 2) analyze interaction between learning method and self-regulated learning on students’ mathematic representative ability, 3) analyze the difference between the effect of PBM method and conventional method on students’ mathematic representative ability, specifically on those who have high self-regulated learning, and 4) analyze different effects of students’ mathematic representative ability, particularly on those who have low self-regulated learning. This experiment research employed 2x2 factorial design to analyze between PBM learning method and conventional learning method, and between high self-regulated learning and low self-regulated learning on senior high school students’ (SMA) representative learning ability. The research’s population consisted on seven (7) classes with 198 students enrolled. Cluster random sampling was employed to choose sample of the study therefore two classes were chosen randomly.This research was held in SMA Negeri 03 Bombana. Research hypotheses were analyzed using two- ways ANOVA and followed by t-test. The results of this study show that: 1) There is a significant effect on students’ mathematic representative ability between students who learn with PBM method and those who learn with conventional method); 2) There is an effect on interaction between learning method and self-regulated learning on students’ mathematic representative ability ; 3) there is a significant effect on students’ mathematic representative ability between students (with low self-regulated learning) who learn with PBM method and those who study with conventional; however, 4) There is not a significant effect on the result of students’ mathematic representative ability of those with low self-regulated learning who are taught with PBL and those who are taught in conventional way shows.